Hi guys! Maddie here for one last guest post.
I really haven’t had much energy lately for blog writing but wanted to close the loop with you guys. As you know, I was living with cancer for some time. Check my other posts for the scoop.
Over the last few months I was really slowing down. Naps and cuddles replaced doing things that used to get me accused of being half kangaroo/half mountain goat/half cutie monster (dude, that’s more than one!). It was a bummer to not be able to run because I did love my running! I lost a lot of muscle tone, became very weak, and eventually even walking became a major effort. Rolling in goose poop remained an alternative pleasurable undertaking for much longer though. Bless all the geese who hang out in my neighbourhood.
Then walking was a drag… then standing up was too much. Eventually I didn’t even resist being carried everywhere. And then it was time to go.
To their credit all my humans did their best to keep me comfortable, happy and occupied with awesome treats and good food. I had great cuddles right up to the end. And the end was very peaceful.
But here’s my point – don’t remember me through those sad cancer death floppy dog goggles I just created for you. Don’t make me regret even telling you guys about that stuff!
Remember me like this instead: looking you right in the eye in gratitude for the great adventure that was my life. In some long grass. Before all that cancer nonsense. See that big smile on my face? That was me. Remember that.

Some knew me as bossy, opinionated and a bit too clever for my own good (bit like my human – ha!) and others (as in my human) accused me of suffering from enthusiasm. Yes I was enthusiastic about absolutely everything, why not? Sometimes it got me in trouble and frustrated my human. It’s also the main reason I got to know so many Victoria dog trainers. (Hi ladies!) I was also hilarious, playful, loyal, the fun police when required, sensitive, cuddly and I heard on more than one occasion that I was The World’s Best bed warmer/spooner. Spooning was one of my specialties actually. If there was a canine spooning Olympics I’d have all the gold medals.
I was pretty awesome. And, my fine feathered friends, so were all of you.
Signing off! Be nice to animals and stuff.
p.s. Need to do something in my memory? Good! Support the local animal rescue of your choice. I was adopted from the BC SPCA Victoria Branch. You could start there.