With Isaac making headlines just recently, I’ve been thinking about some special kitties who had their pet portrait session a while back. Slidell explains how he and his sister came to live in Victoria:
Our human mom joined the Canadian Animal Assistance Team and went to Louisiana on her “vacation” to help with animal rescue after hurricane Katrina. One of the places she worked at was a Noah’s Wish shelter in Slidell (hey! that’s where I got my name!), about an hour east of New Orleans, where the eye of the hurricane made land fall. This is where she found me and my litter mate Katrina. We had been born to a feral cat who crept into an evacuated house and gave birth to us during the storm, and were later brought to the shelter by other nice rescuers for adoption. Mom fell in love with us and next thing we knew we were winging our way to Victoria as tiny little kittens. Look at us now!
Ladies first!

And the handsome Slidell himself (with work of art in progress).

Katrina and Slidell are now 7 years old. They are a little on the shy side, but soft and beautiful and lucky to have picked such a wonderful mom! She’s one of many tireless volunteers who help with animals in need – just like those who are no doubt helping with animals displaced by Isaac.