• Greetings Greater Victoria pet lovers!

    Unleashed! pet portraits is not currently accepting new clients.

    To receive my recommendations for pet photographers on Vancouver Island and the lower mainland please send an email unleashedpetportraits@shaw.ca


Naomi is available for adoption through Dog Bless Rescue Partners.  For details about this little love bug and to apply to adopt her, visit their website.

She’s also the first adoptable I’ve photographed under the HeARTs Speak banner. I’m so pleased to be part of this global community of artists helping animals.  HeARTs Speak works to foster the importance of animal adoptions, dispel the notion that shelter animals are inferior or damaged, provide artists a living wage for their work, and in the process, improve the lives of animals and people. HeARTs Speak and our members believe in the power of collaboration: working together galvanizes our efforts and makes our impact more significant.