• Greetings Greater Victoria pet lovers!

    Unleashed! pet portraits is not currently accepting new clients.

    To receive my recommendations for pet photographers on Vancouver Island and the lower mainland please send an email unleashedpetportraits@shaw.ca


This week our blog circle theme is “From the Hip”.  Also known as “shooting blind” this is a photography technique where the camera is just about anywhere except in front of the photographer’s eye – up high, down low, over there, or hanging casually at the waist as if no pictures are being taken at all.  It’s popular with photojournalists and street photographers looking to capture candid expressions and alternate perspectives.  It’s used by pet photographers for outdoor action, spontaneous moments and for pets who are nervous around people with big black boxes in front of their faces.  Here are a few examples of shooting blind featuring my own ferocious abominable snow monsters Flying Orange Kangabeast and Little Red Terror.

Please also head over to Dog Breath Photography to see what else happens when the photographer is not looking!

Karen - January 21, 2012 - 2:39 am

>These are wonderful – full of action and fun!

Kelly Ladouceur - January 21, 2012 - 1:22 am

>Those are such fun, smile-filled pictures! I love them!

Judy Babinski - January 20, 2012 - 9:57 pm

>Great shots, especially the first one.

Sharon Stokes - January 20, 2012 - 9:19 pm

>Great shots, so much fun 🙂

DogBreedz - Pet Photography by Peggy Mundell - January 20, 2012 - 3:21 pm

>Very fun images – they are having a blast, and you caught it. Nice!

Dana Cubbage - January 20, 2012 - 1:51 pm

>Great shots Melissa!