• Greetings Greater Victoria pet lovers!

    Unleashed! pet portraits is not currently accepting new clients.

    To receive my recommendations for pet photographers on Vancouver Island and the lower mainland please send an email unleashedpetportraits@shaw.ca

We’re in Monday Magazine!

This photo of Beatrice appears in this week’s Monday Magazine!

“Double Doggy Events! – Established 1888, the Victoria City Kennel Club Dog Show is annual championship event that will feature dogs of many breeds in agility trials, obedience, rally obedience, as well as conformation competitions with international judges from Australia, Sweden and Canada. 9am-4pm FRIDAY-SUNDAY at Saanich Fairground, Stelly’s X. Free. Then at 3:30pm SUNDAY, it’s the Victoria Bulldog Walk. Bullpups of all kinds will ramble and play in Mystic Vale, aka the UVic Dog Park. Free. Shoot an e-mail to melaniedmdsouza@hotmail.com to confirm your pooch’s attendance.”